By Yaya Patterson, Root Woman & Smile Herbalist

The smoking of plants has a strong history in the healing arts traditions across the globe. Smoking has been used ceremonially in nearly all earth-based religions. Popular smoke options such as tobacco and marijuana were once deemed sacred, and were thus employed with specific intentions. There are those in earth-based faith communities who believe that the disease and addiction associated with smoking is not due to the act of smoking itself, but the loss of respect towards the plant spirits being handled.
The commercialization of tobacco led to the development of especially addictive and carcinogenic strains of tobacco that were non-existent in traditional smoke ceremonies. Additionally, commercial cigarettes contain non-plant carcinogenic additives that average 10% of the cigarette weight. To add insult to injury, these large companies engage in predatory advertising targeting marginalized communities already oppressed by multi-faced socio-environmental stressors. When smoking serves as a primary coping skill- as opposed to community and hobbies- psychological addiction creeps in.
For optimal health, it is imperative to heal our relationship with our environment. We must nurture reciprocity in every facet of our life and see that our breath is the most basic act of reciprocity. Our survival is dependent on living plants that expel the oxygen we need to breathe- and in turn, we expel the carbon dioxide that they need to breathe. When we mindfully reconnect to our environment, we are better able to make good decisions for our health. And with that, we are better able to discern whether smoking would detract or add to our individual health goals (physical, mental, and spiritual).
Smile regularly makes custom smoke blends for our patrons, but we also have a beautiful house blend: Yuba Gold.
Yuba Gold Ingredients

Damiana: This beautiful plant presents with small sweet yellow flowers and fragrant leaves. The taste has been described as bitter with a close resemblance to marijuana. Damiana has been touted for its relaxing qualities, in addition to being an aphrodisiac.
Skullcap: The purple orchid-like blooms of skullcap are reminiscent of fairy tales. The plant has long been associated with reducing tensions and mitigating sleep & addiction disorders. When smoked, skullcap enters the bloodstream more quickly and may provide fast relief from anxiety.

Passionflower: This bold and intricate plant has been associated with slow expansion. Passionflower is especially helpful for anxiety that manifests in racing thoughts. When smoked, this plant brings forth an earthy floral aroma.

Spearmint: This beautiful plant offers the classic mint flavor while also balancing one’s energy. Spearmint can be relaxing but also stimulating to the throat chakra.

Lobelia: Also known as Indian Tobacco, Lobelia contains similar constituents as nicotine without the addictive qualities. When used in very small doses, lobelia can support those who are seeking to smooth the edge often accompanied by quitting cigarettes. Lobelia features prominently in our Smoke Free Spray.
Honorable Mentions:

Mullein: This tall and common plant has become famous for its ability to support healthy lung function. In some Native American healing practices, the smoking of mullein was a remedy for asthma and bronchitis. Even when smoked, mullein provides a protective barrier over the lungs. It makes a good addition to any smoking blend as an act of harm reduction.

Lavender: Lavender is both soothing to the taste and the nervous system. Lavender has been utilized as a replacement for marijuana in the smoking blends of addicted adolescents to reduce harm.

Smoke Less Inhaler: For those who want to tap into the healing power of breath but feel that smoking is contraindicated to their health goals, Smile offers a variety of aromatherapy inhalers. The Smoke Less inhalers brings in plants that open the breathing passageways and support stress management. Each inhaler comes with a beautiful intention honoring the person and the plants.
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